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Teacher: Alright everyone, today we’re going to practice whatsapp some conversational English using a scene from a popular whatsapp business官网 American TV show. Let’s imagine you’re in a coffee shop in New York City. Jack, you’ll be the barista, and Emily, you’re the customer.

Jack: Sure thing, I’ve whatsapp中文搜索机器人got my imaginary apron on!

Emily: (giggles) Okay, so I walk up to the counter and I say, “Hi, can I get a large cappuccino, please?”

Jack: And I, as the barista, respond, “You got it! Anything else with that?”

Teacher: whatsapp电脑版Great job! Now let’s switch roles. Emily, you be the barista and Jack, you’ll be the customer. Remember to use polite language and expressions.

The students took whatsapp business登录 turns practicing the dialogue, each time adding their own flair and personality to the conversation.

Teacher: It’s amazing to see how much fun learning English can be when you bring it to life through these scenarios. Keep practicing and soon you’ll be speaking like a whatsapp apk native New Yorker!

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As the class continued, the students immersed themselves in the world of American TV shows, using the dialogue whatsapp 下载照片 to improve their language skills and enjoying every moment of it. Learning English had never been this much fun!



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